Monday, February 9, 2015

Altared Book: Ideas

By the end of this semester we have to create an altared book.  Altared, in the sense that this book will be an altar to our creative journeys during our time in Seeing Sideways.  It is also altered in the sense that we will be taking a book about something we hate or that represents something we hate and turning that book into something we love.  The point of this particular blog, is to come up with fifty “what if I did this to my book” scenarios and eventually using these scenarios as guidelines for our finished altared books.  Here is goes…

What If I???

1.       Use a scrapbook instead of a book

a.       Books are eventually going to become obsolete in the face of technological advancement and I can’t destroy one, but I hate scrapbooking and this could be a good opportunity to try something creatively different for myself.

2.       Put newspaper over scrapbook (Hides the fact that it’s a scrapbook)

3.       Put favorite quotes on front & back covers

4.       Cover the front with images of books I like (Makes it more like something I love)

5.       Cover it in images of my creative journey in Seeing Sideways

6.       I burned it (Freeing)

7.       Turned it into a box

8.       Cut it up into tiny pieces (Freeing in a different way)

9.       Turned the scrapbook into a digital file with playback of my blogs

10.   Hollowed out scrapbook to make a picture display of favorite works in Seeing Sideways

11.   Turned it into a mini safe vault of creative works

12.   Hollowed out with cover still intact to create the semblance of a moving image

13.    Transform the whole thing into a one page giant collage

14.   Transform it into a lampshade of works (only using bulbs with 10-15 watts)

15.   Transform it into a purse of works (Can store tokens of class)

16.   Transform scrapbook into a flower or wreath

17.   Transform scrapbook into a clock (I have issues with time perceptions, so it’s a good representation of my personality)

18.   Cut up scrapbook and make into a necklace

19.   Cut up scrapbook and make into a bracelet

20.   Cut up scrapbook pieces and turn it into a tiny town

21.   Throw paint at it/on it

22.   I rub it with sand

23.   Decorate it with little crystals

24.   Decorate it with water color paints

25.   Decorate it with ribbons

26.   Cover it with stickers from things I enjoy

27.   Cover the scrapbook in bark

28.   Cover scrapbook with images of games I love

29.   Turned scrapbook into a game board

30.    Turned it into a map of work (Shows growth)

31.   Turned scrapbook into a scroll (represents wisdom)

32.   Turned it into a sculpture of a tree (represents wisdom/growing)

33.   Turned scrapbook into a sculpture of an owl (represents wisdom/growing)

34.   Bury it in a time capsule (When finished of course)

35.   Seal it with concrete

36.   Sew it shut

37.   Make doodles & highlights all over scrapbook

38.   Ran over the scrapbook (Hopefully leave some tire impressions or would be somewhat pointless creatively)

39.   Write code on Scrapbook back cover

40.   Fill inside of scrapbook with finished projects

41.   Create a slot/bag in scrapbook for class tomes (Good reminder of creative journey)

42.   Leave the scrapbook whole, but cut out the center of the cover to place a paper sculpture in

43.   Use glitter glue to decorate scrapbook

44.   Cut paper into crazy shapes before placing it into the scrapbook

45.   Color the scrapbook with metallic markers

46.   Color the scrapbook with glitter markers

47.   Filled the scrapbook with different page designs

48.   Give the scrapbook a chameleon style look (Representation of putting on different faces for different places or situations)

49.   Color every page by hand

50.   Covered it in photos of my world perception

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